Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Pork recipe and Fall precautions

I hurt myself yesterday. Basically what happened was that while carrying the baby in one hand and the computer in the other, I slipped in the mud, fell in a hole and twisted my ankle. I started to go down but I didn't want to hurt the baby so I did one of those weird try-to-save-yourself moves. And I hurt.

My ankle swelled up like a baseball, but I didn't hear any cracking or anything. I can't put weight on it and it is black and blue and not pretty. So I decided I would elevate, ice, still hurts like a bitch today. So after class i'll be heading to the doctor to make sure there isn't a fracture there.

Anywho...Tonight I will be making:

Super Yummy Pork Chops!

2 cups italian dressing
1/4 c soy sauce
minced garlic to your liking (i like a lot)
1/2 onion
1/4 teaspoon pepper
boneless pork chops

Mis dressing, soy sauce, pepper and garlic in a bowl. Brown chops in olive oil for a couple of minutes, then place in a glass dish with sliced onions. Pour sauce over top and bake at 375 for about a half an hour.

We'll be having this with some rice pilaf and yellow squash. Yummmm.


Frances said...

OUCH! I have done that before too and it hurt like hell. Thankfully I didn't fracture or break anything but it was quite painful for several days. Hope you feel better!

EireKitten said...

Did that twice...once with each kid. Mom's will take the proverbial bullet to protect their children. Hope your ankle gets better soon!

Juggernaut King said...

This recipe sounds really good!

Chandana said...


Here's a blog that serves for your spiritual needs, and will surely be a blessing for you.

It has messages from the Holy Scriptures, taught by the Spirit of God.

These messages teach us how to have God in all the aspects of our lives and have God's rule over every matter :

Have a blessed reading and gladly write back if you need any prayer help.

God bless you and your family.

Unknown said...

Ooohh - That recipe sounds yummy! I have pork in the fridge - I may just have to try that recipe!!!


Wings like Eagles said...

Recipe sounds great! I can't wait to try it! Thanks for sharing.

My World said...

nice blog

My World said...

nice blog

Christopher said...

I hit the "next blog" button and, literally, each of the following 10 blogs had a picture of a baby or a young child on front ... so having found your blog, I like it because there is no baby or child on the front