Wednesday, August 20, 2008

And the drugs go on...

So, I got a call from my nurse. Apparently, Dr. Greig (my MFS) has decided that I need to go on Terbutaline. Terbutaline is a kind of medicine that normally acts as a broncodilator in asthmatics. However, it has been shown to decrease contractions in pregnant mamas like me. So, the home nurse will come in today or tomorrow and insert a catheter into the fatty tissue of my thigh (and there is plenty of it, so no worries!!) and then I will be given meds via a pump---i will always have the meds going. Of course, there are's derived from epinephrine so I will have the "fight or flight" response going on...speedy heartbeat, restlessness and the jitters. Really shouldn't have too much effect on Jakey though.

This medcine is in addition to my Procardia, which is also supposed to stop contractions, though it hasn't yet. Add that to the Lexapro (anti-depressants), the Lortab (codeine for pain), prenatal vitamins and OTC meds for heartburn, I am a walking medicine cabinet. WAIT...I am a bed-ridden medicine cabinet.

I am so tempted to have the yank out my uterus when Jake decides to come!

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