Sunday, August 31, 2008


There is a person that I know who I once believed to be a very good friend of mine, however, we had a falling out and this person turned out to be someone I didn't want to be associated with. It makes me sad, as I hate to have issues with people, but I really can not STAND judgemental people. I am a very opinionated person, but I believe that every person is welcome to do what they want with their life. Or their children's. I make the decisions that I feel are best for my children---and I know that I am a great parent. I don't ignore my children and sit on the computer, I enjoy being a wife and stay at home mom...and a homemaker. I like to clean my house and cook meals for my family. I do things with myself, taking classes and I try not to spend the money that my husband works so hard for. Though it took me eight weeks, I quit smoking because any time that a woman can stop smoking while she is pregnant is better for the baby in the long run. And I have enjoyed the benefits of being smoke free and I hope to stay smoke free and further benefit my children and myself.

So why do people feel as if THEY have the right to judge me? There is only one who can judge me, and that is God. Hypocritical people are not people who I want to associate with. I try hard not to judge people and to think with an open mind, why can't anyone else?

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