Tuesday, January 1, 2008


Happy New Year!! We had a fantastic time at John and Janna's, ringing in the New Year. We had fun with the kids, had excellent food catered in by Mutt's BBQ, fantastic drinks poured by John himself, and danced into the New Year (somewhere there is a criminalizing movie of Janna and I doing the YMCA---and I can't find it!!) Here are some pics!!

The kids got to have their balloon drop so they could ring in the new year too! They danced, they played with the balloons, they drank sparkling cider, it was a really cute thing to do for our kids. Lindsey is in the cloud pajamas, Skylar is in the nightgown (she's Stormy and Shawn's daughter) and Hailey is in the flowered jammies (she is Janna and John's daughter. Also they have Heather, but she isn't in the pic)

Here's John and Shawn...John makes these really fantastic "Bos teas" that really creep up on you, so one minute you are all good, the next minute, you are needing help to go sit down because you've just totally lost all sense of reality. Now THAT'S a good drink!!

I think that Shawn and I had the same amount of Bos teas...but dang...they hit him like a ton of bricks...hehe.

Dan and I have happily rung in the new year for six straight years now!! It's hard to believe that we have been together for that long, but it's true!! What we do on New Years always changes, but what never changes is that he is always the one that I want to be kissing when the ball drops...sappy, I know, but it's true!! :)

May your 2008 be as wonderful as you make it!!

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