Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Abortion Debate

I am a very liberal person. Imagine, raised in a family of Republicans...HAHA. There was a topic brought up on one of my message boards that contraceptives are abortion. Hmmm. I, of course, felt the need to pipe up because, well, that's how I roll :)

There are too many unwanted children in this world. There are too many children who suffer at the hands of their parents and caregivers. This is unacceptable. If abortion was deemed illegal, then think of how many more children in the world that would be.

I believe that every woman has the choice to do what she wants with her own body. Religious beliefs aside, that is our right as a woman to do what we feel is necessary to do. I don't like being judged by other women because of a choice that I made, to be pro-choice. There is no one who should judge me, besides God.

I hate that when something like this, or politics is brought up, that it gets ugly. I just want to state my beliefs and hopefully have people listen to me and think, ok, she has a point. I listen to them and their pro-life/anti-abortion beliefs. And I can see that LATE abortions are murder, but really, in the first couple of months, the baby isn't really a BABY. It can not survive outside the womb. So, really, I think that it can not be considered murder, but that is a different topic.

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