Monday, August 18, 2008

WWYD: Kid in the front

This is something that drives me nuts here in South Carolina. I'm sure it happens everywhere, but I notice it more here.

Kids in the front seat. It is against the LAW. Not only is it against the law, there is a reason why they are supposed to be in the back until the age of twelve. They can be decapitated by the force of the airbags.'re a careful driver. But it only takes one terrible driver to hit you head-on to kill your child.

I have someone in my complex who I watch put her child into the front seat every day. This little kid just automatically goes to the front. How in God's name is that OKAY?! It is so disgusting that people do this to their children. People like this do not deserve to have kids.

Dan and I have been talking about this, and we are considering calling the police the next time we see them leave. What would you do? Should we just stay out of it?

1 comment:

Penny said...

um. Gillian sits in the front sometimes. But in my defense the seat is all the way back...

no excuse I know.