Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Give me a break.

On top of all the loveliness that is being 38 weeks pregnant, I seem to have caught a virus as well. Fantastic. Lindsey was sick on Saturday, she threw up three times and was just blah all day. I started feeling yucky yesterday morning...then it go progressively worse until I was yakking every five minutes. I literally vomited out everything that I had in me. So, we went to the hospital (where I should own a time-share by now) and got hooked up to the monitor (contractions every two minutes), got checked (100% effaced, 1 cm dilated....still) and waited. And waited. And waited. We were there for three hours until 3:30 am. Dan and I were exhausted, Lindsey had gone to my in-law's house for the night so she wouldn't have to come to the hospital.

One of the reasons I had to wait so long was that the computers were having issues, so it took forever to get some Staidol and Phenegran. Add on to that that a woman came in at 10 cm dilated and crowning. I wish I was that woman...though I don't know if I could do it without the drugs :)

So now, I'm exhausted and doped up on medicine...these meds make me feel like I am on some mind-trip. I can hardly keep my eyes open, but Dan has to work today...and he goes in early for a meeting! Hopefully I can take a nap with Lindsey a little later.

I see the doctor on Thursday...and we'll be discussing our options! YAY


Rachel said...

OH MY GOODNESS... have that baby already!!!!!!!!!!! You poor thing.

Tonya said...

I agree! It's time for his appearance so Mommy can feel better.

YeahYeah said...

Awww. Poor Beckie. You know, Gillian and Matthew were easy, didn't gain much weight. With Hannah I gained so much so quickly it was so awful and so difficult to move around. Every tiem I see a pregnant woman I think "thank god that isn't me". And now I'm sitting here feeling sorry for you too! lol. On the bright side, you know it won't be long now, a week or two tops.