Tuesday, September 2, 2008


I am 32 weeks pregnant today! YAY!!!!

Some stress has been taken off, knowing that my son has a very high chance of surviving now if he decides that he wants to come out. And I'm happy because August and its terrible birthstone have passed us by, so it's either a sapphire or a pink tourmaline. (I don't like opals, so I go with the tourmaline!)

When I talked to my nurse from Matria (the home-health care place) I had 4 contractions this morning, not so great, but now that I am further along, they have bumped my threshold of contractions to 7 before having to retest rather than five. Which is exciting. Because 7 contractions is every 8 minutes...I can't believe I am getting that close. This is what I have been waiting for...but it still hasn't hit me yet! I mean, I am going to have a BABY. What the hell was I thinking?!?!

On another note, I have lost three pounds over the weekend with my new gestational diabetes diet. Perhaps it is because of stopping eating crap like Big Macs and Chex Mix...who knows. I think I am having a sugar withdrawal though. Or a sodium withdrawal. I miss soda and chocolate. Badly. But my hope is that I can maintain the diet after the baby is born so that way I can get back to my original fighting weight and not be such a high risk for Type 2 diabetes. I might even be so happy to just get out of bed that I might start working out :)

Lindsey has been throwing temper tantrums when I shut off the TV lately. Like hitting and kicking furniture, throwing her toys, etc. So she has been "grounded" from the TV until Thursday. Gah. This will be fun. She's already getting into things she knows better than to get into and it is only 3pm on Tuesday. Dan's the one who initated this...I know why---he doesn't have to be home to entertain her while she is without TV. I think I am going to have to go back to restricting how much television she watches and what she watches. I hate that I have to do that but she doesn't need to be staring at the boob tube all day. Two hours a day is what I have been told.

I need alcohol.

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